
Presenting The Vintage Punisher Figure and his first harp performance!

The other day I ordered a brand new Punisher figure from Ebay. He’s part of Hasbro’s new vintage collection that commemorates the package art made by the now defunct Toy Biz company back in the 1990s’ era.

What The Retro Punisher Package looks like. Kind of reminds you of the time you were buying figures like him from Toy Biz, doesn’t it?

Yesterday he arrived at my doorstep. I brought Frank in, freed him from the package and provided for him a harp.
Here's The Punisher standing right next to a harp I provided for him.
There he is standing right next to a harp I provided for him.

He knelt down behind the harp and began to play.

Playing the harp for the first time since Frank left the toy package.
Playing the harp for the first time since Frank left the toy package.

As he plays his harp, Frank strains his ears to listen to the music made by his battle scarred hands that make the harp strings dance.
As he plays his harp, Frank strains his ears to listen to the music made by his battle scarred hands that make the harp strings dance.

The music was soothing. Frank was really enjoying the instrument. But then he got tired of kneeling and harping after awhile. So I provided for him a stool to sit on while he plays his harp.
He likes the stool better.
He likes the stool better.

Frank found it much better than having to kneel and play the harp all the time.
Posing while he's playing.
Posing while he’s playing.

So now Frank enjoys playing the harp which is what he enjoys besides reading poems and literature during his downtime from the war.

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