
NEW PUNISHER ART: Based on Tim Bradstreet.

Tim Bradstreet is an awesome comic book artist who illustrates covers for many comics. He’s most famous for his spectacular Punisher artwork that graces the covers of nearly every Punisher MAX and Punisher: Marvel Knights comic book issues.

Cover to Punisher MAX #21 by Tim Bradstreet Another Punisher MAX cover by Tim Bradstreet Awesome Punisher art by Tim Bradstreet.

I wonder how Tim would feel if he finds my website and discovers his version of The Punisher doing this:

Tim Bradstreet's Punisher on the harp.

Here it is. My newest Punisher harp art based on Tim Bradstreet’s Punisher art series where we find Frank on his harp just a-pluckin’ away.

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[caption id="attachment_18883" align="aligncenter" width="716"] He Harps Punishment!

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Great photo of Frank posing with his harp.

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